
Born in 1973 in Poland, has lived in Norway since 2000.

First, I worked with women as a beautician and masseuse. Then I got curious and start to study energy and sound healing, Ayurveda, Meditation, Homeopathy, and more. My growth path brought me to Gestalt Therapy that I adore. I studied gestalt therapy from 2017-2021 at the Norwegian Institute Of Gestalt (Norsk Gestalt Institutt). Since June 2021, I have been a certified gestalt psychotherapist, providing counseling services since September 2019. I am a member of the Norwegian Association of Gestalt Therapists NGF and follow the standards and comprehensive Code of Ethics and Practice. In my work, I follow the principles of ethics, maintain confidentiality, and care for developing my competencies. I subject my work to regular supervision.

I offer my services in Polish, Norwegian, and English.

I believe that the basis of the therapeutic process is the relationship between the client and the therapist and dialogue based on respect and openness.

I keep a holistic approach in my work and draw inspiration from my life experience and education within Vedic Teachings, Ayurveda, Pranayama (conscious breathing), Mindfulness and Meditation, Sound and Energy Healing, Homeopathy, and more. I lead the Natural Transformation Club, an experience that makes change life at every level possible.

How does therapeutic session looks like?

During therapeutic meetings, I will provide you with conditions in which it is possible to have an authentic meeting with another person and with yourself.

Working with the Gestalt method, I use my life experience. I am inspired by Eastern philosophy, meditation and mindfulness, Vedic teachings like Ayurveda (art of living) and Pranayama (conscious breathing). Gestalt therapy has a wide range of tools – in addition to dialogue, we can experiment with mindfulness in the body, breath or role-playing. The method of empty chairs may also appear during our meetings.

Psychotherapy is a form of psychological help that allows you to expand awareness in various areas of functioning.

Its goal may be to better understand yourself and your choices, overcome difficulties, strive for change, or use your potential more fully. Psychotherapy is a method of scientifically proven effectiveness, as well as a chance for an authentic meeting with another person and with yourself.

Book your appointment here!

Are you wondering if this is for you? Or do you have any questions? I will be happy to answer them. Call me 45094500. You are cordially invited!